
Arkansas is 24 hours away from Utah. 
I have made that drive once and it was just as fun as driving 22 hours from Utah to Austin. 

Austin is 8 hours away from Arkansas. 

So thats how our fourth of July happened. 
Jordan had three whole days off this weekend as opposed to one and a half so we wanted to do something extra especial! 

We had planned to go to San Antonio and stay the night there, Six Flags, The Alamo, The River Walk and all but a couple of nights before I got the brilliant idea to drive 8 hours for a weekends worth of fun and so it happened. 

Arkansas will forever hold a special place in my heart seeing as other than Mexico City thats where I was raised and found the gospel. 
It was a dream to take my husband there one day and it finally happened. 

He fell in love with the people and places I love. 
The Perez Family 
The Reeves Family 
The trees
The lake 
My first Church. 

Now there only one place left to take him back to (; 


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