Vacation from heaven

Oh boy time flies when you're having fun! 

I have been meaning to post about our vacations! 

I'd like to begin this post by helping you remember one time when you came home to a note from a loved one. Maybe with a sweet message along the lines of "Thanks for all you do! Love you".
Since being married I've been blessed to find those notes and they always make me feel so special and warm inside. 

Well, that is exactly how this trip turned out to be. This was our ten day vacation from teaching so another couple, Jordan and I decided to take on China and explore! 

Our first stop was Yaungshuo, China. I must say if you ever consider or have the opportunity to travel to China, other than Beijing THIS is the spot!! I LOVED it, and would go back in a heartbeat. This place is just so beautiful that I get butterflies thinking about it. 

I'll post pictures of our vacation but I must include the story that got us there. Because of our teaching schedule all four of us had to take a late train to Jinan- a city an hour away which was where our flight was departing from to get to Guilin (the biggest city near Yangshuo). The catch was that the distance between the train station and the airport was about 50 minutes by Taxi. The best we could do was find a train that would arrive with 2 hours to spare, so although we knew we'd have to hurry we figured we could make it. 

Arriving to the train station here in Weihai, we learned that our train had been moved to a different train station 40 minutes away from where we were without us knowing!! So after a tender mercy from the Lord and a nice police guard who helped us translate we got a ticket from that station an hour later! Which if you can keep up with my story, that meant we now only had 1 hour to make our flight from the train station in Jinan! AHH!! 

Once we arrived in Jinan we had 60 minutes to make it to the airport and catch our flight, but living in an overpopulated country makes that almost impossible. We rushed to the taxi lane outside the train station, only to find a line for the taxis that would take at least 30 minutes to get through! Jordan and Chris rushed to the officers again and with charades let them know we were desperate for a taxi and needed to make our flight. The Lord was once again merciful and they let us cut in front of the line and they helped tell our taxi driver we needed to HURRY! 

Our taxi driver was very understanding and rushed, which helped us get there in 30 minutes!!! We ran to check-in, rushed through security and I was first. I made up my mind that I'd run to our gate to have the plane wait for the rest of the group as soon as I was done with security. I grabbed my things and took off running, only to find that the gate was right in front of the security line. 

The Lord, once again being merciful gave us the pleasant surprise that our plane had been delayed!! We suddenly had time to eat dinner, use the bathroom and for once...RELAX! 

There were many instances like these where the Lord, through his tender mercies left notes for us everywhere saying "Thanks for all you do, I love you!". That made the trip so much more special and with heavenly help and heavenly sights it truly was a vacation from heaven! 


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