Sabbath Day In China
Nín hǎo!
One of the reasons we decided to come to China was because we literally knew nothing about it! However, we have learned how to say hello! (:
Our sabbath began by eating some yummy cereal! We were so blessed to meet a sister in our ward in Iowa who lived in China for 3 years before coming out here. She gave us a lot of helpful advice and we were able to plan ahead. We brought a lot of cereal and since the breakfast food here is still the same we enjoyed it for breakfast.
Tomorrow all the students arrive at school. However, some parents brought their little ones early today to finish registration and stuff. So we were invited to welcome them at the gate. We loved doing that. Some kids got so excited and took pictures of us. While others just ran past us and hid under their umbrellas. Tomorrow we get to welcome 700 new kids!
**Which by the way as a side note. It rained today! It's been so hot that I was excited, but apparently to Chinese people rain is bad. They think it's bad for you so they try to stay out of it as much as possible.**
As for church. Many people believe that the church hasn't reached China but it has! It's here!! It's just kept on the hush hush!
There is a perfectly functioning program going on. We met today in the room where we have all our meetings. The boys in our group blessed the sacrament and we had asian bread and water(the bread chunks were super big!).
We basically do a conference call with the other members of our branch. We are in the largest geographical branch in the entire church. Technically if we had a branch it would meet in Beijing, but since we don't we all just meet via phone.
The first speaker's internet didn't work too well so we had the second one go. It would be so easy to get out of giving a talk here!! haha
At the beginning of sacrament they read the laws of the church in China. Which is basically that we can't proselyte to anyone native. But for instance since some people are in our group and they hold an American Passport we can share with them!
The bishop mentioned something that I REALLY liked. He said we are all here on an example mission. He mentioned that they will know if we are Mormon, even if they don't say it.
The rest of the day we got to relax, call our families, nap, do homework, and study. We are doing great!
Tomorrow we get to go downtown to where McDonalds, Papa Johns, and KFC is! We can't wait!! (:
Jordan and I were also put in charge of activities in our group! (haha that calling seems to follow me everywhere I go)
Right after my mission I went to China. I recommend going to Mcdonalds and getting taro pie. It was sooooo divine!!! You need to try it. I am so excited for your adventure as a couple and in China. It was an amazing place to visit. Have Fun!