Birthday Wisdom
In the institute class we are taking when our teacher finds out its your birthday he gives you a Mint to prove that he "mint" to give you a present.
Then he asks the birthday person to share some words of wisdom.
I didnt have my institute class today, but that question has been on my mind for a while as I think what kind of wisdom could I possibly give at 22?
This birthday is different than any other in my heart because I feel like this last year I was blessed beyond measure. There has been time when Ive felt weak in my trials and undeserving of my blessings but boy am I glad I lived through them because every single one has been perfect for me.
I have been blessed and entrusted with some of God's most special children this year. My wonderful YSA who are an example to me of continuous effort to do your best.
I am surrounded by a loving family both in-laws and immediate. The times when I've felt weak they've supported me and helped me through prayer, encouragement or simply by standing by my side.
And I have developed new friendships this year with people who I know I knew in the pre-mortal life.
And lets not forget the amazing man always by my side (;
Above all I have been able to grow, see God's plan for me develop every step of the way and I've been able to live through it. You see, I struggle with depression and many people dont know this because for years I've felt ashamed of letting others know. However my word of wisdom is related to this sneaky, evil illness who once made me feel like im not good enough to live, or deserving of the love around me or that there was none.
My word of wisdom to anyone struggling with this is keep going. This life is so beautiful and no matter how hard trials are and how lonely you ever feel, God is there! Always seek for his help and when you need a physical hug look around you at the angels that love you called friends and family. Allow those angles to help you feel God's love through words of wisdom, their prayers and their service. YOU'RE NEVER A BURDEN.
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